Monday, April 29, 2024

Saturday April 17th Barton, 7 miles

 8 ramblers, led by Sharon. 

Sharon was already outside the Barton football pitch as we arrived, a full car load from Toddington, and she welcomed us with enthusiasm, saying she thought perhaps no-one would turn up! Considering the weather forecast of more rain and cold, it was understandable. Then the Harlington car load turned up.  We all agreed that we had waterproofs, so what did a bit of rain matter? As it turned out, there was no rain for the entire walk, and it didn't matter that the sun never came out, because the visibility was excellent. We began with a steep ascent by the side of Lest Wood up to  Barton Hall Farm , past bright yellow dwarf oil-seed rape. 

Next we picked up the Bunyan Trail , stopping off for a coffee break by a pile of logs. 

We swung round to Warden Hill, to admire the view of Luton and beyond. 

 Next we passed the golf course and through a gate leading to a lovely scrub with small trees. Black caps were singing, as well as the ubiquitous blue tits. 


Lunch was on a bench near Streatley, with another excellent view of Luton, this time from the North.  We made good time and were back at Barton by 1.45.


Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Sunday afternoon 21st April Campbell Park walk led by Nita


On Sunday afternoon 21st April 7 ladies met by the Canal at the end of Campbell Park.
The car park was very busy because there was a scouting jamboree taking place in the Park. We could hear the sound of beating drums in the distance. It was very cold – not the lovely spring day we had hoped for.

Tracey, Maureen, Jean, Beryl, Hilary & Penny at the Light Pyramid

We set out to walk up the left hand side of the park towards Central Milton Keynes. On the way we met hundreds of scouts and guides of all ages – all marching to the beat of the drums.
It warms ones heart to see the enthusiasm shown by all the children and leaders.

The St George's parade

At the Centre we all headed for a warm-up in La Tour Hotel. On the 14th Floor we could see far and wide across a very noticeably “green” Milton Keynes. The trees were fresh and green but regrettably the daffodils had gone over. We enjoyed a refreshing cuppa and a sociable chat.
The walk back down the other side of the park was very slow – I think we had become so relaxed in the Hotel. Everybody said they had enjoyed their Sunday Afternoon Stroll – including one newcomer.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Saturday 20th April Cranfield - Hulcote walk led by Bob & Celia

7 walkers met outside Cranfield church on a bright but cool day. We left Cranfield on the John Bunyan trail past Home Farm & Wood End Farm before entering part of Holcot Wood. Approaching Hulcote itself (different spelling?) we saw several Highland cows munching their grass in a field.

Opposite we saw a man-made lake with some very modern buildings. Bob explained this was a wealth management company, so we used their location for a group photo.

Tony R, Celia, Bob, Lynn, Ruth, Sue & John (our Cranfield expert)
We continued past the church which always appears locked to reach Salford Rd. Here we turned left & left again to walk past the other side of the lake to Rooktree Farm. We walked through Holcot Wood to the edge of the old tip, now landscaped. We were grateful of the fenced in track which avoided the very wet original lane. In Rectory Wood we had our picnic at a table & nearby was a fancy seat, sadly not large enough for 7 but a good photo opportunity for 6. I didn't make it.

Bob, Ruth, Celia, John, Sue & Lynn

Soon afterwards John left us to return home by a shorter route, but we continued through woodland before descending a hill to observe several historical plaques commemorating the history of Bedfordshire County Council. Soon we arrived back at our cars outside of the church to complete our almost 8 mile walk.

Track of walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction.

Thursday 18th April Ampthill to Greenfield returning via Flitwick Moor


11 ramblers left the Ampthill Park Hub on a bright sunny morning. We used The King’s Arm walk then open fields to reach Duck End. On passing the allotments we saw an assortment of ducks, geese, and a turkey that wouldn’t go amiss on Christmas morning.

Nearing Greenfield we crossed the River Flit twice before heading to Flitwick Moor where we enjoyed a stroll along the raised board walk, stopping for refreshments near the gun club. Luckily it wasn’t being used at the time! 

We continued our walk through the industrial area passing pussy pond and a huge new area of trees before returning to Ampthill along Oliver Street.

Track of walk, walked in clockwise direction.



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Thursday 11th April Harlington-Pulloxhill 7 miles led by Tony P

Nine walkers met at Harlington village hall before crossing over Bury Orchard to make our way along Barton Rd, where we were joined by our chairmen Tony R.
Turning to take the bridleway,we made our way down past Willow Farm where we joined the Bottoms.
Entering the field near Lower East End farm conditions under foot were quite firm.
Continuing through Wateroff we made our way to cross the Harlington Rd, coming out at the derelict burnt out house.
Up through the field passing the woods at Sharpenhoe Grove, we once again joined the John Bunyan trail (he certainly got about!)

Heading along the trail, we came to a clearing where a well deserved coffee break was taken.
Suitably refreshed, we continued on our way up towards Pulloxhill.

Climbing the incline, the pace quickened as we were heading towards the church for a nice picnic lunch.

Enjoying the views of the countryside, we settled down for another well earned break.
Brenda, Janet, John, Diane, Torunn & Kate enjoying their picnic

Richard, Wendy & Tony R with their picnics.

With a sharp blow of the whistle it was back on the trail through the churchyard and village, before entering the field to make our way down towards Portobello Farm and wood. Then continuing on through Upper Sampshill farm we turned on to the track leading us towards Mill End.
Unfortunately due to the recent storms quite a bit of the track was flooded in many places, however careful negotiation of the conditions saw us all get through without anyone falling over.
Passing Lovett Green, we made our way through to Bunyan's Oak, where a steep climb to the top, once again offered great views of the countryside.

Passing through Horsehill Spinney, we once again joined the Barton Rd making our way back to the end of the walk at Harlington village hall.   Regards     Anthony Price
Track of walk, walked in anti-clockwise direction.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Saturday 6th April Steppingley Spring Cafe walks


Sue & Tony R about to start their walk

The longer walk went through Kingshoe Wood, crossed the motorway, then carried on through Town Mead & Poorshills Wood before reaching the road which we followed towards Water End where we turned right to cross the field containing a large dew pond. We arrived at the Greensand Ridge walk which we had intended to follow through Briar Stockings, however it had been churned up by tractors & was impassible. Therefore continued across the field towards Higher Berry End. We turned right to meet the end of the bridleway leading to Cobbler's Lane. Here we turned right & then left past the very securely locked buildings on our left. We stopped in a wood for our coffee break.

Sue having her coffee.

Soon afterwards we turned right to cross the motorway. Just before Lodge Farm we turned right, then left & right again to join Rectory Road which led down to Steppingley Church. Here we found many other members who had been on the shorter walk.

Coffee break on the shorter walk with Maureen, Nita, Sandra, Wendy Sheila, Mike, Jenny & Ged

Sandra, Paul, Janet & John at their coffee break

Penny, Sandra & Paul sitting opposite Tony R & former member Pat.

Jenny, John D, Ged, Richard, Pearl with Joan, Wendy & Vivienne in front

Penny, Sandra, enjoying her cuppa, & Paul

The cakes after TRC had helped themselves.
After sampling the food on offer we all departed going our different ways back to our transport home after having an enjoyable & interesting day.

Track of longer walk, walked in clockwise direction.