Saturday, July 17, 2021

Saturday 17th July Biggleswade to RSPB Sandy

 This walk was 6.3 miles in length and led by Nita & Beryl - 14 walkers

We started off from the DAN ALBONE Car Park on the outskirts of Biggleswade. The sun was out and it was a very hot day. Joyce Corless, a new member, joined us for her first walk. We exited the car park and followed the River Ivel. We left the river and tried to cross the railway via an underpass. However several cows were in residence enjoying themselves in the shade. Maureen very bravely volunteered to move them on. This accomplished we all followed. The fields were ablaze with yellow flowers.

Tony P, Joyce, Maureen, Tony R, Vivienne, Malcolm & Jean S, Beryl, Malcolm G, Joan, Kate, Nita, Penny & Sue at our first water break.

We continued on  across Biggleswade Common, which is the largest area of common land in Bedfordshire and dates from 1200AD. We crossed a footbridge and soon entered the RSPB site known as The Lodge. Shortly afterwards we arrived at the gardens where we stopped for our picnic. Nita gave us a short talk & Tony R explained some of the history of the site learnt from recent a Zoom session. We then had another group photo in front of the lodge itself.

Joyce, Penny, Malcolm S, Kate, Malcolm G, Tony R, Vivienne, Joan, Jean S, Maureen, Tony P, Nita, Sue & Beryl

We then made our way to the Gatehouse where the shop is located. After a short stop, to enable members to make some small purchases, we followed more footpaths around the site before leaving it at the same point that we entered. Eventually we came to the railway underpass which thankfully was now vacant. Later we past Shortmead House, which is often used as a wedding venue, and on its approach road we met many cars coming in the opposite direction. After leaving this road we skirted Biggleswade Town football ground before arriving back at the car park. We all enjoyed being in a larger socially distanced group & meeting members that we had not seen for a while.

Track of walk, walked generally in clockwise direction.

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