Thursday, May 12, 2022

Thursday 12th May Preston walk led by Brenda & David

Twelve ramblers met in the village of Preston, close to the Red Lion, on a lovely morning. We turned right off the main village road by the now closed Princess Helena College. Walking along a grassy track and then uphill along a good path through a cultivated field to Whitehall Farm. We entered Kingswalden Park, passing Kingswalden Bury House. Crossing the road we walked alongside Tache Wood eventually reaching Ley Green. After passing a group of ramblers walking in the opposite direction (they had seen us leave Preston earlier) we entered a sheltered byway, where we had a banana stop, then carried on to Austage End.

Cathy, Tony P & Brenda with Sue & Tony R in the background

Leaving Austage End we could hear the faint call of a cuckoo, the call got much louder as we approached West wood. We made our way towards Tatmorehills Lane and uphill to our picnic stop.

After lunch we walked past Wain Wood where, unfortunately, the bluebells were well past their best, and made our way back to Preston.

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